4 Teachers Tools
  Writing Persuasive Essays

PersuadeStar Help: Student Section

Student Section

• Overview
• Registering
• Registering for Other Assignments
• Beginning Your Work
• Viewing Your Work
• Editing Your Work

There are three parts to the Student Section: Register/Login, Using the Tools, and My Work.
  1. The student first registers using the assignment code given to him/her by the teacher.
  2. Then student can use the tools chosen by the teacher for the assignment to create an essay. Tools include
    a)  an analyzer to use with other persuasive essays,
    b)  a planner/outliner,
    c)  a bibliography creator,
    d)  a writer, and
    e)  a spell checker.
  3. The student can view and edit his/her work from the My Work section.

  1. Be sure you have your assignment code (from your teacher) and know how to correctly spell your teacher's last name.
  2. Click on Register under the Student section.
  3. Fill in the blanks
  4. creating your own password.
    • You can use a made-up name to protect your privacy, but be sure your teacher knows what it is.
    • Do not use a password that you want to keep secure. Your teacher will be able to see it.
    • Be sure you can remember your password.
    • If you forget your password or username, the teacher can look it up for you.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. Very important: You will be taken to a page where you will see the username you will use to log in. Print this or write it down.

Registering for Other Assignments
  1. If you are assigned to use PersuadeStar on several assignments, you must register for each assignment separately.
  2. After you have registered for the first one, log in and then choose the Assignments link.
  3. You will see the current assignment listed along with its code and the date you registered.
  4. Fill in the blanks under Add An Assignment to add a different assignment (either with the same teacher or a different one). You will need the assignment code and the teacher's last name to do this.
  5. Click the Submit button and you should see the assignment show up in your list.

Beginning Your Work
  1. Choose the Use Tools link (log in if you have not done so).
  2. Important: If you have more than one assignment, be sure you are in the right assignment by checking the title at the top of the page.
    • To change to a different assignment, use the Change Assignment link.
    • Then use the pull-down menu to choose the correct class
    • Click the Submit button.
  3. You will see a list of the tools that your teacher has selected. If a link is not live, that tool was not chosen by your teacher as part of this assignment.
  4. Click on a tool to begin working on your assignment. Most tools require only filling in the blanks and submitting.
  5. We recommend printing your work. This gives you a backup record in case of electronic failure.

Viewing Your Work
  1. Choose the My Work link (log in if you have not done so).
  2. Then click the View button next to the title of your essay or planner.
  3. Your essay or planner will show up in a separate window. Close the window to go back to the My Work page.
  4. You can start new work from the My Work page. Just choose the assignment you want to work on and you will be taken to a page that lists the available tools for that assignment.

Editing Your Work
  1. Choose the My Work link (log in if you have not done so).
  2. Use the pull-down menu next to your essay or planner's title to choose the editing option you want.
  3. You can add, edit or delete sources from the bibliography or delete the entire bibliography from the Add/Edit Bibliography option.
  4. You can spell-check your essay (if this option was chosen by your teacher) using the Spell Check option.
  5. You can delete your essay or planner using the Delete option.
  6. Be sure to click the Go button after choosing an option. This will take you to the corresponding pages so that you may edit your work.


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